Chellaston Bowls Club

The club is always looking for new members. If you would like to be considered for membership please contact the club secretary. Two club member sponsors will be required and after the application has been accepted you will be invited to meet senior members of the club to discuss your new membership. Application forms can be obtained from the club secretary.
In 2009 a brick building replaced the previous wooden pavilion. The clubhouse is now second to none with a modern bar facility, modern kitchen and up to date washrooms.
Five Directors elected by the Chellaston Bowls Club membership are entrusted to run the club according to the 'Articles of Association' and club rules.
The Directors objectives include:-
a) Promotion of the game of crown green bowls.
b) Continuous improvement of bowling club activities and facilities.
c) Integration of the bowling club within the local community.
d) Maintaining current and recruitment of new younger members to
ensure the bowling clubs long time future.
Welcome to Chellaston Bowls Club website.
Chellaston Bowls Club is a Crown Green Club founded in 1905
The club is privately owned and continues to be entirely Self-supporting. It is expected and appreciated if members take part in the upkeep and maintenance of the club.
This helps to keep yearly subscriptions to a minimum.